Tuesday, September 13, 2011

moving targets

When you serve kids, teens and college students you are serving moving targets. They are in constant motion. Their outlook is constantly changing. They influences are consistently morphing. This generation and all that will come ahead of us are moving targets. How do we know we are getting through to them? How do we know we are communicating what is most important? These are questions those of us who are thinking Orange are constantly asking because we are trying help preschoolers, children, teens, and college students to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Today at the Orange Tour we processed the idea of focusing our message so we are communicating what matters most to this generation. We are trying to move this generation in a specific direction. We are trying to incite wonder, push for self discovery, and fuel authentic passion . Check out what this looks like and process this idea...are you helping the moving targets you serve hit the right target as they grow in their faith?

Incite Wonder / design (we are intentional) Identity (you were made in the image of God) Connection (the God of the universe wants a relationship with me)

Self Discovery / faith (relationship with Jesus) Transformation (tension that we are in process, we have not arrived) Truth (God has given truth and it can be a compass)

Fuel Passion / The Cross (Jesus gave himself for others, we do the same) Community (we are connected, we are a family and we are connected) Compassion (others!) Restoration (we can be a part of the solution)

What would happen if our ministries helped the moving targets we lead embrace these truths?

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