Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Do your kids have...sticky faith?

Summer is always a great time to catch up on some books that I need to catch up on and this summer I ran across a book every parent and family ministry leader needs to stop and read. I should have known that this was going to be a great read when I saw it was written by Chap Clark and Kara Powell. This is a book with a simple goal that is difficult to carry out. How do we help our children have sticky faith...faith that is significant...faith that lasts...faith that pushes them to follow Jesus with all of their life? Simple but very difficult! I hope you will pick this book up and give it a read. Here are a few of my favorite quotes from the book. Check them out and then go and download this book on your kindle!
  • Kids experience Jesus Christ when adults in the church give them grace, time, and genuine love with no hidden agenda.
  • How you express and live out your faith may have a greater impact on your son or daughter than anything else.
  • Many Kids Have Adopted the “Gospel of Sin Management”
  • Spiritual disciplines do not make us righteous because we do them, but rather they put us in a position to be drawn into trusting Christ more fully.
  • As parents, then, instead of concentrating on — and sometimes fretting about — whether and how our kids are living “righteous” lives, we have the opportunity to help them discover, access, and strengthen their trust and faith in Jesus Christ. In so doing, the righteousness they eventually display will be the product of the Holy Spirit.
  • The point is to build “social capital” into your child’s life, creating a network of caring believers who will pray for, mentor, and bless your children with their presence over the course of their lives.
  • Every child needs to be encouraged and to know that they are valuable and have unique contributions to offer.
  • Let’s be honest: parents lecturing kids hasn’t worked.
  • By far, the number one way that churches made the teens in our survey feel welcomed and valued was when adults in the congregation showed an interest in them.
  • What if we reversed that? What if we said we want a 5:1 adult-to-kid ratio — five adults caring for each kid?
  • Our vision is that kids and adults experience worship together.
  • leave your child with Jesus. Stick with Jesus always, and trust Jesus to always stick with you and your family.

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