Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012 and a look back at top 6 posts of 2011!

Happy New Year everyone! I love January because it gives everyone a chance to start over, gain a new perspective, and make some needed changes. This is a new year and it's possibilities are endless. Chelsea and I have some big goals for our family and I bet you do too. We also have some big ministry goals for 2012 and we are trusting God to do great things. I hope you have had a great New Year's day and that God helps you accomplish what you set out to accomplish in 2012. With the new year here I thought it would be a good time to look back at a few of my most popular posts in 2011. Here they are ranked in order. Thanks for reading my blog and I hope it's a continued encouragement in 2012.
  1. Are you empowering teens to serve AT CHURCH?
  2. my new job 
  3. worship planning for student ministry
  4. A few things I wish someone had told me at age 23 
  5. getting an outside perspective 
  6. Can parents trust your ministry?

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