Saturday, February 13, 2010

KOZBI is getting baptized!

This is my oldest daughter Kozbi (the picture is of us getting ready to go on a date and to the a local Father-Daughter Ball ) and this weekend my baby girl is getting baptized! Since this amazing girl was a baby her mom and I have been praying together that she would become a follower of Jesus and God answered our prayer over the past few months. We have been talking through what it means to follow Christ for about a year now and on her own she prayed to ask Christ into her life. It is amazing to see the joy and peace she has about her faith in Christ. It is the real deal and I am so thankful that God has brought salvation to my little girl. My biggest hope for both my little girls is that they would spend their life following and honoring Jesus in all they do. This Sunday she goes public with her faith as she gets baptized with about 20 other people from Grace Community. THANKS to all of you out there who have invested in Kozbi's life at FBC Clarksville, FBC Norfolk, and Grace Community Church. Kozbi thinks church is an amazing place to be and she loves Sunday mornings! Thanks to all of you who showed my little girl that following Christ was the greatest goal in life. Sunday is going to be a good day!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats KOZ!

    --Terrace Crawford
