We all know who our next President will be now. For many of us our "guy" did not win the election. for some of ya you got the "win". It is wild how we walk away from every election day with some feeling thrilled and some devastated. I love to follow politics but my true hope does not lie in who wins or loses an election. A perfect politician does not exist and every politician with every party will make many choices that you and I do not support. Many mistakes will not not be seen because we do not have access to that level of political life. As followers of Christ it is so critical we pray for the good of our nation. We pray that God will bring salvation to millions far from Christ. We pray God will give wisdom to the men and women who represent us in government. We pray that God will give wisdom and guidance to our president elect. As I was working out this morning at the Y God worked through my shuffle on my mp3 player...yes God does work that way...here were two songs that played in a row, just a little sample from each.
Steve Fee - Faithful
You were before time
and You'll be when it ends
for you have no beginning
and no end
Your word shall endure
without change it is sure
on Your promises
we will stand secure
You are ever faithful,
You are ever faithful
to us, God
You are crowned all-powerful
all the world will bow before
You, Oh God
Kristian Stanfill - Lord of All
There is none so High and Holy
King of Kings the One and Only
You are adored, You are the Lord of All
We are not defined by a party, denomination, government, or man made organization. We serve a God who Reigns on High! Live, Dream, Serve, and Love in and through Jesus Christ!
you're right mike. GOD is faithful and HE is in control. and HE my see all of this from a different perspective. have a great day!