Why this blog? I write because I have something to say. I think it is selfish to learn and experiment and not share. I want to be a leader to invests in other leaders and this blog gives me that opportunity. This online journal gives me the chance to share what is most important to me. Here I have the chance to think and express out loud what I am learning in life and ministry. I am passionate about the church and family ministry (preschool, children, youth, and college ministry). I write with the family pastor, youth minister, children's pastor, and lead volunteer in mind. I pray my journey helps people to think, learn, and live.
I am honored you would take time to check this blog out. Would love to hear from you, email me at michael@gcomchurch.com.
Books that have shaped me...
- Built to Last - Jim Collins
- Communicating for Change - Andy Stanley
- Crazy Love - Francis Chan
- Desiring God - John Piper
- Good to Great - Jim Collns
- Messy Spirituality - Mike Yaconelli
- The Dip - Seth Godin
- The Purple Cow - Set Godin
- Tribes - Seth Godin
- Visioneering - Andy Stanley
Music I am listeining to
- Arcade Fire
- MuteMath
- Robbie Seay Band
- Death Cab for Cutie
- Angels and Airwaves
- Switchfoot
- Manchester Orchestra
- John Mayer
- Kristian Stanfill
- Hillsong United
- Charlie Hall
- Coldplay
- The National