Friday, April 29, 2011

Orange 11...what I love about the Orange Conference

What an amazing 3 days it has been here at the Orange Conference. I have been seriously blessed to be able to set aside several days to process ministry to kids, teens, college students, and parents. This is one of my favorite weeks of the year and by far my favorite conference experiences of every year. Here are a few reasons I love Orange and maybe a few reasons you might consider bringing your team to Orange 2012...
  1. Unity // there is no other event in the country where leaders who work with every age group unite for a week to process ministry to the next generation. There is nothing like watching 5,000 next generation leaders unite behind the cause of Christ an a strategy that is making a difference.
  2. Team // this is a place where any staff member at my church can be inspired and also get a better grasp of our strategy at Grace Community. Our entire family staff was here this week and we are headed home inspired.
  3. Connection // I love connecting with other churches and leaders at Orange to dream together. Great networking environment every year.
  4. Inspiration and Information // great conferences do both...they inspire and inform. Every year we hear from leaders who are passionate about helping others reach the next generation.
  5. Fun // I have laughed way to much this week in sessions, at breaks, at meals with my team, and traveling back and forth from the hotel. Orange gives our team a chance to to rest, process, and most of all have fun!
Great job to the Orange team...excited about Orange12 and hope to see a ton of you there. Praying many of us make some bold moves this year.


  1. It was a blast seeing you this week. Too bad your little brother is scared of me, and avoided my presence at all costs!

  2. I totally agree. This was my first time attending the Orange Conference and I will not miss another one as long as I am in Children's Ministry. I loved hearing so many incredible ideas. I came home totally overwhelmed, wanted to incorporate all 900 ideas.
