Thursday, May 31, 2012
FREE STUFF // video download tool
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
When you are overwhelmed...
- Block out solid blocks of time to work // When the work around you seems too much to handle block out time and get to work. Don't answer emails, or talk on the phone...WORK. Protect blocks of time so you can focus and get things done.
- Ask your other staff and volunteers for help // When you are overwhelmed you have to ask others to come around you and help. Your team wants to help but they can't if they do not now you need it!
- Manage your attitude and emotions // You control your attitude and you can work to manage your emotions. Self control is so important when we are stressed. When you choose to have a good attitude you are going to get more done and be ready to lead each day.
- Don't neglect rest, exercise, prayer, and time reading God's Word // I know you are busy but you have to care for your soul, mind and body in the middle of the crunch. Your strength comes for God, never forget that. You are not invincible so yes you need rest and exercise.
- Use lists and prioritize // Write stuff down so you don't forget important tasks. Also make sure and prioritize how you use your time. There are some things that just have to wait.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
great small group leaders...
- Great small group leaders listen as much as they talk.
- Great small group leaders help reach new teens.
- Great small group leaders don't give up.
- Great small group leaders ask for help when they are not sure what to do.
- Great small group leaders show up consistently.
- Great small group leaders connect relationally.
- Great small group leaders point teens to Jesus and God's Word...not just their opinion.
- Great small group leaders set healthy boundaries.
- Great small group leaders help teens take their next step in following Jesus.
- Great small group leaders laugh often and trust God when nothing seems to be working.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Free Stuff / Sing Off game
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
small matters
Matthew 25:29 (NLT)
29 To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.
Matthew 18:4 (NLT)
4 So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.
I could list time after time where Jesus gave attention to people who were considered small and unimportant. Jesus even called us to use what we have been given so that we can be trusted with more later. Truth is that in life if we want big influence, big leadership, or big responsibility we have to learn to be responsible in the small. For most of us that means being fully present and fully focused on where God has us now. Serving when no one is looking. Taking care of the small things that are hidden from plain view. Being faithful to lead the people God has called us to lead and not wishing God would give us a to serve. When we learn to manage thins we consider small then we just might be ready for a bigger challenge. Never forget, small matters!
Monday, May 21, 2012
You'll never connect with everyone
Thursday, May 17, 2012
right place at the right time
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Taking time to reflect.
- I'm grateful for small group leaders who have invested in the lives of teens every week all year.
- I'm grateful so many teens became followers of Jesus this year.
- I'm grateful that we have been able to connect with so many teens at different schools.
- I'm grateful that we have been able to help so many parents work through challenges this year.
- I'm grateful we have a church that supports us financially and allows us to try to reach teens.
- I'm grateful to have been able to do ministry with my friend Brandon Reed this year.
- I'm grateful that God has refueled my passion and calling to serve teens.
- I'm grateful to have such an incredible summer ahead to invest in teens and lead them toward Jesus.
- I'm grateful that even now we are planning and dreaming about new ways to connect with teens in our team embraces innovation and risk.
- I'm grateful that God has answered so many of our prayers and allowed us to serve so many schools!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Give your idea away!
- Your idea can always be improved > Allowing other people to shape your idea allows for more creativity and faster innovation. You may have had the idea but that does not mean you are the one to advance the idea. Be willing to allow ideas you have to be shaped and carried out by others.
- You maintain balance when you let things go > If you don't give away ideas then you will become burdened by ideas of the past. You can only keep advancing a limited number of projects. To maintain balance and keep your vision aimed ahead you have to let some things go.
- Giving ideas away will reveal new leadership opportunities and new leaders > If you want to find great new leaders then give your ideas away to them. Nothing reveals leadership potential like having to work on a project. Giving away ideas allows you to invite more people into the leadership process!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Parenting is 90% effort!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Are you stuck?
- I make sure I am carving out time for prayer and time to read the Bible // When I am not in God's word and spending time in prayer I lose touch with how God works around me. God is at work all around us and in reality we are never stuck. Going back to see how God worked in the life of Abraham, Paul, and Daniel reminds me that my God is a God who has a bigger plan!
- I change my pace and routine // I control my schedule so when I am stuck some things needs to change. My routine needs to change. My office may need to be rearranged. I may need a vacation or I may need to work harder so I can accomplish a new challenge.
- I need to make sure I am running away from isolation and toward community // When we feel stuck we tend to isolate. Nothing helps to break the power of feeling stuck like living life with others who can help us see the bigger picture. Isolation just brings more doubt and frustration. Community can bring direction and clarity.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Your preschool ministry needs a WORSHIP EXPERIENCE!
- Kids learn as they sing > Songs are powerful when used to deliver truth. As preschoolers sing they can learn about the God who made them, loves them, and wants to be their friend forever!
- Small group leaders thrive when they are supported by the large group team > Small group leaders can care more when they can focus on caring and connecting with kids!
- Leading preschool worship is amazing > There is no group in our church more excited about worship than our preschool kids. Our large group leaders lead and the kids are 100% ready to go!
- Kids hang on every word of our storytellers > Preschoolers remember what is being said in large group. we know because they go home and tell their parents. That did not happen before we had large group.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
What your senior pastor needs from you...
Hang out with a group of children's, student, or college pastors for a while and at some point someone will bring up the topic of their senior pastor. What's discouraging is that most of the time when the issue is brought up feelings of frustration are revealed next. For many next generation leaders there is a disconnect between them and their senior pastors. There usually is a long list of things next generation leaders wish their pastor would start doing. Yea, that's normal but what if we took some time to work on the relationship instead of always complaining about it. I have had the joy of working with some amazing lead pastors and here are 7 things your pastor needs from you if you are going to have a healthy relationship...
- Support of the bigger vision // Your pastor needs you to be as passionate about your church's vision and mission as you are about your ministry's vision and mission. You are on a team. Support your team!
- Prayer // The level that you pray for your pastor will be a prime indicator in the health of your relationship with them. There is not a day that goes by that you don't need to surround your pastor with prayers for protection and wisdom.
- Shared Creativity // Next Generation leaders are some of the most creative and talented people on the planet. Be willing to share that creativity with your senior pastor to help your church become a better church.
- Stories of life change // Your senior pastor needs to hear how God is working in the ministry you lead. Share and share often. Senior pastors get enough complaints and things to worry about. Make your ministry a place of encouragement for them.
- Important information // Keep your senior pastor in the loop about important moves in your ministry. Make sure they stay informed.
- Consistent support and encouragement // Make sure you are a building a relationship of trust with your pastor. Stand up for your senior pastor. Encourage your senior pastor.
- Visionary and reliable leadership // Do your job and do it well. The best gift you can give your senior pastor is a reliable ministry area that is making a difference.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Changes at Grace Community Church...
Thursday, May 3, 2012
New resource for small group leaders!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
New resource for middle school leaders!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
I'm HURT...and it's my fault
Sunday after church my youngest daughter was headed out the door to go play. That's pretty normal because both my girls love to play outside. What was different Sunday was that when she closed the door she did not use the door knob and the door closed on her hand! It closed hard, she screamed loud, and her had was pretty banged up. She was hurt and it was her fault. We hugged her, got her an ice bag, and lovingly reminded why people invented door knobs. Hurt is something next generation leaders have to face often. We walk with teens and kids who have been hurt by life. We encourage parents who are hurt by the choices their kids make. And many times we are hurt because we feel we are not supported or people we are trying to help turn their back on us. Hurt happens. Truth is many times we experience hurt and we only have ourselves to blame. We often bring hurt into our own lives when...
- Our pace is out of control. // Busy does not equal productive. Being BUSY opens you up to hurt because you lose connection with people. Busy will ask you to sacrifice everything for one thing. An out of control pace will lead to hurt and it will be your fault. You control your calendar.
- Our focus is in the wrong place. // Hurt will sneak up on us when we lose focus. Are we trying to impress people with our leadership? Are we trying to push people to do what we want rather than what is best for the organization? Are we trying to be somebody we are not?
- We try to fix people. // You can't fix people. You can't make everything right. When you try to fix people you invite hurt into your life. We walk with people in the mess and lead them out of the mess; we don't own their hurt in a repair process.
- We ignore God. // Hurt is right around the corner when we have no time to be with God. When we stop hanging out with God daily we choose to see the world through our eyes and not God's.
- We choose happiness over trust. // Happiness leads us to make choices in the moment to make us feel better. Trust says wait on God to deliver us and bring peace. We bring hurt into our lives when we make excuses for sin in the name of happiness.