Every leader on every church staff looks around and can see problems at the church they serve because they have an behind the scene view that not many others have. If you have problems where you serve now you are normal just like everyone else in the church world. I know we spend a ton of energy trying to help our churches improve but what if we took time to help ourselves get better at what we do. If every staff member at our church worked to be better I can guaruntee our church would begin to sense the difference. Many times when it comes to change we simply need to start by looking in the mirror. If you want to be a better staff member, add value.
- solve problems / Last week one of our staff took a problem that was not her problem, sat down at her computer, took time to think, and found our team a solution. When a staff member solves a problem in their ministry or another they help everything improve. See a problem, then stop complaining and work on a solution.
- encourage / The people around you need to be encouraged. It doesn't matter if you lead worship or not, when you see someone excell on stage tell them. If your pastor makes a great leadership move, thank them. If your volunteers excell on a Sunday, write thank you cards or send emails! Even when things are not going well be an encourager!
- take responsibility / When things go wrong or do not work and it's in your ministry then own it. Don't hide and don't blame. Taking resposnibility helps establish a culture where it's OK to try and fail but never OK to not get better.
- pastor your team / When you see people around you hurting or needing direction then be brave and help out...that is pastoring. You are called to care for God's people so never be afraid to take the time to care. Don't wait to be asked just step in and love on people.
- be a prayer warrior / Why do we expect God to bring hope and healing to our city when we are not praying for it. As a staff leader you should be praying for God to advance His Kingdom through your church every day. Don't complain when you have spent no time in prayer about a situation. PRAY!
- cast vision / Every chance you get cast the vision of your church and the ministry you lead to others. People will never catch the vision if we don't help them catch it.