Friday, May 7, 2010


During my break off the blog this past week our city experienced the worst flood since 1975...I was not even born in 1975 just so you don't think I saw that flood. It is hard to put into words what it is like to watch your friends suffer from a disaster that can't be planned for or diverted. When you experience a flood all you can do is watch the power of nature take control of homes, parks, roads, and businesses. There is nothing you can do but watch. Just 35 miles down the road our friends in Nashville felt the same furry only on a larger scale. The damage is staggering. Now the question is how will we respond? My hope is that we can step into the pain and help be the solution. I pray that with every volunteer giving time we can bring a little hope. This will be a long process of helping folks get back on their feet. I pray that we will be present for the long haul. I am already blown away by the gnerosity of people in our city. I am proud to live in Clarksville. If you want to keep up with urgent needs in our city in the coming weeks go to and check out what is happening. Go ahead...step the solution.

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