Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Orange Conference WHAT?

Orange what...Orange Conference...what is that? Good question and since I am blogging from the conference all week and it is 7:50 AM (6:50 in Clarksville) and I am still not very awake I thought I would explain what we mean by Orange and why this is the Orange Conference. This conference is like none I have ever been to. This is a gathering of leaders who work with teens, college students, kids, preschoolers, and parents...all at one conference. When I first heard the idea I laughed and thought about worhiping with some of the preschool pastors I have worked with in the past with Steve Fee rocking it out and Francis Chan speaking. When I arrived that first year I was shocked by the unity and passion of leaders uniting behind a cause. Our cause at the Orange Conference is finding ways for the Church (yellow) and the the Home (red) to partner in order to invest in the lives of our children (children no matter what age ). The greatest influence in a kid's life is mom and dad. It only makes sense to partner with that influence as a church.

So this week is about just that...
How can can our churches and parents work together (PARTNER) to impact the lives of kids? How can we GO ORANGE? This time we are opening up the conference even if you are not here this week! Check out to watch the opening session tonight LIVE and to get a backstage pass to hear from some amazing leaders during the entire conference!

Here we go...going to be an amazing week!

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