Monday, November 30, 2009

kids and technology...

When you step back and think, it is amazing what a technological advantage our kids have today. Kozbi navigates her way around our Mac at home with ease. She loves to open Word and type letters! She loves playing on and! She thinks her Mom's IPhone is her personal new toy and I am sure she will be begging for one when she is a teen. Yesteraday she emailed her Mom from her iPhone all by herself...She wrote...

I had fun today mom.
Study well at coumunitygroup!
See you ulater.
I love uyou vary much!

Your douter'kozbi
Psst i hpe the foods healthy!

That was an actual copy and past from the email! How amazing that she thought to send a note by email to her mom and she is 6. It was a good reminder to me that our kids will never know a world without DVR, wireless internet, Smart Phones, laptops, Text Messaging, Flip Video, or Social Networking. This is the generation we serve. Instead of always talking about how to protect kids from technology why not work hard to teach kids how to use technology in a healthy way. It is called balance and our kids need us to show them the way.


  1. That is hilarious. My daughters don't believe me when I tell them I didn't have a computer when I was their age and that I didn't have a cell phone until I was 24. Now we have computers that work as cell phones. Our kids are growing up in an entirely different world.
