Wednesday, December 31, 2008

mistake made - lesson learned - move forward

Yesterday it was 68 degrees, YES, 68 degrees so there was no way I could not go play golf on a 68 degree day on December 30, wow! It was great. Larry Parks, my father in law, came to Clarksville and went with me. Again, it was great! Enough about the greatness of hitting a golf ball. Every time I play, with kids that is not a alot, I am blown away by how many lessons for life you can learn playing the game. I know some of you are rolling your eyes but really there are tons of life and leadership lessons there on the course. One of those lessons is that when you play golf you have to constantly live in the present. Every shot matters. The last shot you made is DONE. No matter how your last shot turned out the next shot is the one that matters. Your last shot may have been amazing but still the only shot that matters is that next putt you have to make. Your last shot may have been an utter failure but still the only thing that matters is how you get out of the mess you are in. Your next move matters. So here goes...for life and leadership here is the formula.

MISTAKE OR SUCCESS = lesson learned = move forward

Both mistakes and successes draw us to dwell on them. They want us to stay focused on the immediate situation and live right there in the past. Just like on the course, that moment is over and we have to LEARN and move FORWARD.

I am not sure where you have been in 2008 but learn from the past and look forward. 2009 is here, well it is here in a few hours!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

hard to get rolling...

It was a great Christmas break! A ton of folks ask me about how I blog so much (my blog posts to my facebook account). I like to blog because it is a thought journal for me. Blogging is just a commitment to share life with other people. It helps me to think out loud, to vent and celebrate about stuff in my family, and to share leadership thoughts. One of the keys to blogging is to keep typing, keep thinking, keep posting...I am struggling to get it rolling this week! My blog confession!

Friday, December 26, 2008

the simple things...

This is my favorite picture from Christmas this year because it reminds me of this simple things that make Christmas so incredible. There have been so many moments over the past few days that help me remember the blessing of family, the joy of the simple gift, and the reality that Jesus came to earth to be among us and live life with us, to deliver us. We got our kids some incredible things this year but this picture on the blog is of Kelyn getting a new "lovie". She has had a pink one like this since she was born but we needed a backup and it came this year. When she opened it she ran around the room hugging it! Another incredible moment was when Kozbi asked why no one was talking about Jesus yesterday with our visits to family. Her solution was to go make pictures of the nativity and give them away to family members, IT WAS INCREDIBLE! I know this time of the year can be stressful but it is a great time to connect with family, to look back on the year, to celebrate God's gift in Jesus, and to let other know how much you do love them.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the Christmas is a week long thing for us!

the new BAYNE ride...

We have been planning on buying Chelsea a new car and there is no better way for a husband to earn brownie points when you get your wife a car at Christmas. After test driving, looking, praying, thinking, planning we landed on the Ford Freestyle a "crossover" Its like a van, suv, wagon all crammed together and my girls love it (it has a dvd player built in so koz and kelyn are in heaven, chelsea and I like the room and the 27 MPG it gets on the highway!) The reason for the post is that THE CAR NOW IS A BAYNE FAMILY has its University of Tennessee plates on the front. Go Vols!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

merry christmas and happy new year!

I am going to take a little break from my blog this week, yes a blog fast for a few days. Wanted to take just a minute and wish everyone a Merry Christmas! I was reminded at church this morning how amazing Jesus coming to be WITH US, in our mess, born as a baby 200o years ago. It was an amazing morning to worship Jesus, He was and is the greatest gift. Thanks to the GCC team for working so hard to create an environment where people can encounter God.

Here are my final thoughts before Christmas 2008...Merry Christmas, cannot wait for mom's pecan pie, Girls are gonna love what Santa brings, and GO TITANS, this has been an amazing season!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

give back...

I have talked about this movement here on the blog before but I wanted to give it one more shot. During this season it is so important for us to find ways to give back not just to those who are on our gift list but tho the "least of these". The ones on the outside looking in. The ones who really have little. We have the chance to really make an impact in the lives of people all over the globe when we find ways to be generous. Soles 4 Souls is an organization simply trying to put shoes on kids feet around the world. 5 bucks buys 2 pairs of shoes. If you gave up a fast food lunch you can buy 2 kids shoes. When you travel in a third world country you will see kids running around barefoot in dangerous places. It seems so basic, shoes! Think about clicking on the website and making a quick 5 buck donation!

If you have a blog or facebook account make a post about the 50,000 pairs in 50 days challenge! Join the movement!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Home sick today, this was not in my plan for Wednesday December 17, 2008. I really do not like being sick. Most of the time when I feel bad I just go on to work and roll on. Yesterday whatever I had drove me to a halt and I spent last night and this morning trying to get it together. Much better to be sick today rather than next week in the middle of Christmas. There are a few good things that comes from times when we face sickness. Welllllll maybe just one. It makes us realize that we are not permanent. This thing we call life, is a gift from God. Health is not guaranteed, it is a gift from God. I really convince myself that I am in control, I can work through anything, nothing can keep me down....NOT. When I am able to get up, live life, serve others, hang with my family, have fun...THAT IS A GIFT. So here from my bedroom at home I say, thanks God for all the days when I can get up and live life. Sickness sucks and health is so much better. Thanks God for the good days!

Just a reminder for all of us not take this all for granted!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

youth pastor Christmas present from Youth Specialties

Free graphics, videos, loops, etc. are always music to a student pastor's ears. Once again this year Youth Specialties is giving away all their graphics and videos to student pastors to use how they want. Just click on the graphic above and start downloading. It is a great look to use for a filler series and you will not believe all the great stuff they are giving away to support it!

For all of you out there serving teens in the local church...THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!

Monday, December 15, 2008

good day in Clarksville...

People are a little excited here in Clarskville today. Yes...Hemlock Semiconductor is coming to Clarksville. You can check the news release out of the Leaf Chronicle and get all the details. 1.2 billion dollar investment, 500 immediate jobs, thousands more coming over the next few years. I am excited a company like HS is coming to invest in the community.I have said this before, I LOVE THIS CITY. Chelsea and I want to spend our life serving in this city. This is a big day for our community. I am proud of the good job our local government has done in making this a reality. This has been a 3 year process an the hard work has now payed off. We are excited about the new challenges this will bring to us at Grace Community and excited about what God is going to do here in Clarksville!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

the CHRISTMAS is ordered!

The most stressful picture time of the year is NO DOUBT Christmas card time. My mom bought the outfits and the pressure was on to get my crazy girls to be still long enough to the the right shot in. Funny thing is...this was our second picture taken and it was one. After lots of chasing girls around the house and a few fits of crying picture time was over. Well, we made it through the yearly Christmas card photo shoot and life in the Bayne home is back on track! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Am I the one that feels Christmas Card STRESS every year?

Friday, December 12, 2008

remix band leading worship at Horizon Pointe church

This weekend the REMIX band is leading worship with Duke Boles at Horizon Pointe Church in Ohio. Duke was the worship leader last year at REMIX and left in 2008 to go help plant HPC. It will be exciting this week to see how God is working at the church and to catch up with Duke and Amanda. Each week at REMIX I am blown away by the REMIX band. Nate, Claire, Aaron, Clark, and Lauren (with Mike Grayson leading them, Mike has done a great job!) guys do an amazing job each week. Pray for the team as they lad this weekend and as we travel. Pray God will bless Horizon Pointe as they strive to reach their community! Here are a few pics of the REMIX band...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tribes by Seth Godin, get it and READ IT!

Go to and order this book right now, do not wait, do it now. At Catalyst Seth Godin gave an incredible talk setting up the idea that with leadership today anyone from any level of the organization can influence and lead. After the talk he gave 13,000 people a copy of this book. I got home, read it, was blown away by it! The concept is simple, lead...and people will follow. I am going to do a little experiment, my copy has marked pages all through it...randomly I am going to spit out some GREAT Seth Godin ideas about leadership, then YOU go get the book, lead your TRIBE, and lead well!

"Odds are that growth and success are inextricably linked to breaking the old rules and setting your organization's new rules loose in an industry afraid to change." - p.76

"In industry after industry, the market leader isn't the one who develops the innovation that turns the industry upside down. In organization after organization, real leadership rarely comes from the CEO or senior VP of leadership. Instead it happens out of the corner of your eye, in a place where you weren't looking." - 122

"Ideas that spread win. Boring ideas do not spread. Boring organizations do not grow." - 45

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

last REMIX of 2008...

Tonight is the last REMIX (the weekly gathering of relevant student ministry) of 2008. I cannot believe the fall has moved by so fast. When we started the year we had no idea how this season of REMIX would go. We changed nights to Wednesday and the rest is history. I so resisted moving off of Sunday night. God birthed the idea in the heart of our team and we took the risk of change and it paid off. Really everything about leading a ministry is based around RISK and FAITH and God has taught us that over and over this fall. If we are not taking risks then we are not living by faith and we are trusting in our won effort more than trusting God to show up. I want to thank God for showing up right now and right here. God has delivered every week this fall as we have invested in the lives of teens. God provided an amazing team of adults who have led lifegroups. God provided an amazing band to lead us each week. God provided a location for us to meet at St. B Christian Church. God allowed us to see teens inviting teens to REMIX. This has been the most amazing part of REMIX this year, teens and parents inviting other people to check it out. I cannot wait to see what God does at REMIX in 2009. Tonight we cast a vision of each lifegroup adopting and taking action to support a cause (poverty, human trafficking, clean water, etc.) in 2009. Lets not just meet and talk about faith, lets live our faith out and do something now. Teens unleashed to serve are a powerful force.

Thanks to all of you out there who have been a part of REMIX this year, 2009 is going to be exciting!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

pics from Cross Street Live!

Just a few shots from Cross Street Live last Sunday night! We have more on facebook and if you have some good shots email me!

Monday, December 8, 2008

what every kid needs!

It was so incredible to have the chance to speak at Grace Community Sunday morning. It is always so fun to get to connect with the adults and teens in the theater on Sunday mornings. For those of you who came you had the chance to see our Cross Street Live set, WAS THAT NOT COOL! Just so you know, we had our first CSL that night and had 475 parents and kids come experience their first family production. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make that happen. The kids were so excited and everyone did a great job! More on that this week with some video and pics!

Sunday morning we had the chance to help parents think through the idea of investing in their kids spiritually. We do a great job with academics and athletics but many times we miss the chance to help our kids discover the greatness of the God we serve. Parents, you are the greatest spiritual influence in your kids life and we want to partner with you at GCC and give you the tools you need to make a difference in your kids lives. We think your kid needs 5 basic things in their life...
We commit to you that we will do everything we can to empower you with environments at church that teach the Bible, build real relationships, are really exciting, and provide resources for you. Thanks for allowing us to partner with your family!

Friday, December 5, 2008

multitasking 101

Today I was on the phone, buckling up Kelyn in the car, telling Chelsea goodbye, grabbing my laptop from her car, and leaving the YMCA when I looked around and noticed I didn't have my book or the Diet Mt. Dew I was drinking. In my rush to multitask I left it on the top of Chelsea's car and it ended up in the middle of Madison Street being rushed over by passing cars. Yes, I rescued this book, which is very good. I almost got hit in the process but hey, it was an adventure. I never found the Diet Dew, but the point is that when we multitask we leave ourselves open to make mistakes. We are a multitask generation and I have joined right in. We get tons done but we leave ourselves open to silly mistakes. They will happen. We have a small staff here at GCC for the amount of people we serve each week. We are used to multitasking, we all do it. We all also have had to learn to be patient when we miss small things or make annoying mistakes because we are juggling too many tasks. This has been the multitask week of the year for me as me and the team have gotten ready for remix, Sunday morning environments, and the kickoff of our first family production Cross Street Live. The rule is for the weekend, enjoy the productivity, deal with the mistakes, rely on God, and enjoy the moment. We have all worked hard, we have all balanced different things on our plate and now we get to see it all come together. If I can go out in the road and get this book back surely we can get through the weekend. The key I am finding is not to let the hectic pace distract me from the joy of serving people and God being glorified! So enjoy the multitasking, but do not forget to slow down and see God work!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

dating, students, and changing the world...

Remix is our weekly gathering we do with Relevant Student Ministry ( This week we finished up a series on dating and relationships with the old OPPOSITE sex and it was a great close. Chelsea and I talked about the service tonight when I got home and really processed if the series was effective. After processing it for a while we both landed on the idea, IF WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT WHO WILL? The Bible has tons to say about relationships even though dating is a "american" cultural phenomenon. Tonight we allowed teenagers to submit questions while we had a small panel answer them. They had some great questions and yes some that were really funny but we could not ask them but they were really funny! I just hope when teenagers leave our environment they know God does care about their lives and God loves them more than they will ever understand. God's way is the best and we have to allow the Bible to reveal that path. It has been a fun series. Thanks to all of ya who came the past three weeks and for all our leaders who invest in teens each week in our Lifegroups!

NEXT week at Remix we get to talk about 4 global issues we are going to address in 2009. Yes, this generation wants to make a difference. It is not enough to talk about a issue or problem, this generation wants to be the solution and they can be. It is going to be fun to see how each Lifegroup works to be a SOLUTION and not just a observer of injustice, poverty, sickness, and slavery in our world.

Monday, December 1, 2008

why launch a family production at GCC???

Why launch a family worship experience for kids and parents???? Because kids matter...because parents are the biggest spiritual influences in a kids life...because the church needs to PARTNER with families. Really I am most excited for my girls and how it will help Chelsea and I communicate with them about Jesus, faith, the Bible, and life. We launch our family production, CROSS STREET LIVE this Sunday at 5:30 at Rossview High. We cannot wait to see what God does through this new adventure for Grace Community. For more info about CSL go check out